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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Stadtbibliothek Unterschleißheim

I've always been a heavy library user, and it was no different when I was living and studying in Germany. This month's post is a library I had stopped by during a trip I took in 2000. This was of course 10 years ago, so I don't remember all the details, but I do recall checking out a few CDs using a relative's card. Their music collection was quite impressive for a library this size, although it does claim to be one of the largest public libraries around Munich.

You can find their website here. Back in 2000, I
remember it being a free service, but I see on their website that there is an annual fee of 15 euros, which is approximately 30 dollars. I have no idea when this went into effect, but perhaps there is no library tax imposed on its citizens?